Michael H. Burnam
The Last Stop asks the question: What happens when Evolution ends? It’s Ender’s Game meets Close Encounter of the Third Kind - a character-driven action packed drama first set in a high school suffused with emerging sexuality and a strict pecking order, followed by wild flying saucer rides to the dark side of the moon, and then to a city under the ice on Europa where seemingly anything is possible. Mature Sci-Fi devotees will appreciate The Last Stop's hardcore science and philosophy. Young adult readers will enjoy its fast-paced action, stunning visual imagery, three-dimensional characters, teenage protagonists and just the right dash of humor. Who says a feelgood story can’t be classic Sci Fi?
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*
A Science Fiction with UFOs, super power suits and flying
further than Mars in a few hours.
This book was fast paced with action, adventure and visits to
the moon. This book was one that I will definitely be reading again!
My favourite character has to be Pam, who, although can’t walk
very well, has spirit, which names her my favourite character.
I didn’t see the need for the military side of this book and the
military chapters bored me. The fact that Mickey had found a superpower suit
and had travelled space with David would have been a story enough.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading this book and Recommend it to UFO
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