Friday, 13 January 2017

Book Review - ARTICHOKE HEARTS by Sita Brahmachari



Sita Brahmachari

Twelve-year-old Mira comes from a chaotic, artistic and outspoken family where it’s not always easy to be heard. As her beloved Nana Josie's health declines, Mira begins to discover the secrets of those around her, and also starts to keep some of her own. She is drawn to mysterious Jide, a boy who is clearly hiding a troubled past and has grown hardened layers - like those of an artichoke - around his heart. As Mira is experiencing grief for the first time, she is also discovering the wondrous and often mystical world around her.
An incredibly insightful, honest novel exploring the delicate balance, and often injustice, of life and death - but at its heart is a celebration of friendship, culture - and life.
Winner of the 2011 Waterstone's Children's Book Prize.


I liked this book a lot. I think that it was very genuine in expressing the troubles of Mira's family as her Nana Josie fights her illness.

I believe that this book shows that everyone has their secrets and that some of those secrets have been bottled up inside of them for as long as they remember. Jidé is my absolute favourite character, along with Laila, which is such a sweet name.

The artichoke heart that Nana Josie gives Mira is the central concept of the book. It fits into everyone's lives. If something bad happens, you shed one of the leaves. I wonder if you do something splendid, you can get the leaf back?

I loved reading this heart warming story and Highly Recommend this book to all Young Adult readers.


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