Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Book review - PROMISES by Amber Garr



Amber Garr


Sometimes following your heart can end up destroying the ones you love. 

When seventeen-year-old Eviana Dumahl is faced with the responsibility of an arranged marriage and clan leadership, she is forced to choose between the life required of a mermaid and one of a teenage girl simply infatuated with the wrong guy. Kain, her devoted fiancé would make a wonderful husband except that she’s been in love with Brendan, a shape-shifting selkie, ever since they were kids. Choosing to abandon her family, her clan, and her life with Kain will have dire consequences far beyond anything she could have imagined.

A war is brewing amongst the clans and Eviana unwittingly becomes a pawn in the intricate schemes of a twisted mastermind. With Brendan’s life on the line, she has no choice but to involve those who she once considered friends. Amidst encountering senseless tragedies and immense loss, Eviana discovers that she is more valuable as a clan leader than anyone ever suspected. Her survival is not only dependent upon the loyalty of her friends, but also on her acceptance of a life that she had so adamantly tried to escape.

Promises is the first book of The Syrenka Series trilogy following Eviana and her friends through the perils of growing up in a discrete world that inherently threatens human society.


Mermaids and selkies are not allowed to be together so, of course, Evian and Brendan have it in for them. But I didn’t foresee the complications that Brendan's seal skin brought him or the fact that everything would go downhill for the couple as the book neared the end… 

I cannot choose – Brendan or Kyle? Or even Daniel for that matter? I think that I finally decided that I would have Daniel as my boyfriend because he seems like the most patient, loving and even tempered of the three of them, and Kyle and Brendan as my best friends. 

I must say that when Brendan made his first appearance, I thought that he was attacking Evian. I’m not sure if it was meant to appear that way, but I was a little suspicious, as I wasn’t sure if a seal would do that… it turned out that it was just Evian and Brendan messing around and seeing who would win between the two of them.

I don’t think that I liked Carissa. She seemed like the sort of person who would steal your boyfriend from under your nose, and everyone would take her side because she was ‘awesome and everyone wanted to be her’. I don’t know if that’s just my imagination running away with me, but I just don’t like her.

All negative things left behind, I am now contemplating buying book two, so that I can find out what happened, because the extract from book two, which was in the back of book one, wasn’t enough to satisfy me.

I Recommend this book to young adult readers who like mermaids and the idea of swimming along the sea bed.


Sunday, 26 February 2017

Book review - ENTANGLED by Nikki Jefford



Nikki Jefford

Hiding her powers was never a problem for seventeen-year-old Graylee Perez. Not until her diabolical twin sister decided to go on a rampage that could expose them all or get someone hurt.

To add to the aggravation, coven reject Raj McKenna catches Gray performing a complex spell and is convinced they would make a powerful couple. He can delude himself all he wants. Gray has sworn off dating warlocks, especially delinquents who play with fire.

But even Gray’s mysterious death won’t deter Raj, not after Gray is brought back from the great beyond. Only she’s not truly back. Her body’s still six feet under and she’s on borrowed time. There are forces threatening Gray’s existence and a powerful wizard willing to help . . . for a price. Gray doesn’t know who to trust or how long she has left before she vanishes for good, but she’s determined to stick around no matter what the cost.


Graylee Peraz is a witch. She is a witch who has sworn that she will never date warlocks and has a diabolical, identical twin sister.

So when she is caught by the warlock Raj McKenna, while performing a very difficult spell, she has to put up with him harassing her to teach him. On top of that, Raj thinks that they would make a powerful couple.

The sudden death of Gray doesn't make Raj think that she's dead for one minute. And he's right. Gray is mysteriously brought back to life, but in some ways more than others. While she lives upon the ground, her body is rotting underneath. She doesn't have long until she will be gone for good, which means that she has to hurry to find a way to remain alive and in a body of her own.

Entangled had me 'entangled' within the story. It had me on the edge of my seat for the day that it took me to read it.

My favourite character was Raj, because he's a joker and seems like fun to be around. If you've already read this book and understand what i'm talking about, I hope that you'll agree with me when I say that I hope that he and Gray stay together during the next books.

I Highly Recommend this book.


Monday, 20 February 2017

Book review - INVISIBLE by DelSheree Gladden



DelSheree Gladden

Olivia’s best friend is not imaginary. He’s not a ghost, either. And she’s pretty sure he’s not a hallucination. He’s just Mason. 

He is, however, invisible. 

When Olivia spotted the crying little boy on her front porch at five years old, she had no idea she was the only one who could see him. Twelve years later when new-girl Robin bumps into the both of them and introduces herself to Mason, they are both stunned. 

Mason couldn’t be more pleased that someone else can see him. Olivia, on the other hand, isn’t jumping at the chance to welcome Robin into their circle. Jealousy may have something to do with
that, but honest fear that Robin’s presence will put Mason in danger is soon validated when a strange black car shows up outside Olivia’s house. 

The race to find out what Robin knows in time to protect Mason from whatever threats are coming becomes Olivia’s only focus.


I liked this book a lot... I can see that it would get pretty annoying, being invisible and all, although all the way through this book, I had a nagging suspicion that in the end Mason would find a way to let everyone see him, rather than just Olivia.

I give this book a 4.5 star rating for the several grammar mistakes that I noticed while reading it... Although I don't want that to get in the way of how much I enjoyed reading this book and hated the fact that the cliffhanger at the end means that I now have a massive urge to buy book two!


Sunday, 19 February 2017

Book review - THE MIND READERS by Lori Brighton



Lori Brighton

Cameron Winters is a freak. Fortunately, no one but her family knows the truth... that Cameron can read minds. For years Cameron has hidden behind a facade of normalcy, warned that there are those who would do her harm. When gorgeous and mysterious Lewis Douglas arrives he destroys everything Cameron has ever believed and tempts her with possibilities of freedom. Determined to embrace her hidden talents, Cameron heads to a secret haven with Lewis; a place where she meets others like her, Mind Readers.

But as Cameron soon finds out some things are too good to be true. When the Mind Readers realize the extent of Cameron’s abilities, they want to use her powers for their own needs. Cameron suddenly finds herself involved in a war in which her idea of what is right and wrong is greatly tested. In the end she’ll be forced to make a choice that will not only threaten her relationship with Lewis, but her very life.


Cameron has hidden her ability for her whole life: she can read minds.
Sent away from her mother when she was five, Cameron has been living with her grandmother. She thinks that she will have to hide her secret forever.
But when gorgeous Louis turns up, she realizes that not all hope is lost. Can she survive with the secret she holds?

I loved this book from the start to the finish. I've always loved adventure and secrecy books and this one was no exception. I was filled with wonder of what would happen next and I found myself adoring Caroline, a young child who becomes friends with Cameron. She seemed so sweet, yet so helpless to what was happening around her.

I loved the cliffhanger at the end and can't wait to read the next books to find out what will happen next.

I recommended this book to all young adult readers!