Monday, 20 February 2017

Book review - INVISIBLE by DelSheree Gladden



DelSheree Gladden

Olivia’s best friend is not imaginary. He’s not a ghost, either. And she’s pretty sure he’s not a hallucination. He’s just Mason. 

He is, however, invisible. 

When Olivia spotted the crying little boy on her front porch at five years old, she had no idea she was the only one who could see him. Twelve years later when new-girl Robin bumps into the both of them and introduces herself to Mason, they are both stunned. 

Mason couldn’t be more pleased that someone else can see him. Olivia, on the other hand, isn’t jumping at the chance to welcome Robin into their circle. Jealousy may have something to do with
that, but honest fear that Robin’s presence will put Mason in danger is soon validated when a strange black car shows up outside Olivia’s house. 

The race to find out what Robin knows in time to protect Mason from whatever threats are coming becomes Olivia’s only focus.


I liked this book a lot... I can see that it would get pretty annoying, being invisible and all, although all the way through this book, I had a nagging suspicion that in the end Mason would find a way to let everyone see him, rather than just Olivia.

I give this book a 4.5 star rating for the several grammar mistakes that I noticed while reading it... Although I don't want that to get in the way of how much I enjoyed reading this book and hated the fact that the cliffhanger at the end means that I now have a massive urge to buy book two!


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